Under this payment method, enter your credit card details once in our website, this will be processed instantly. The orders are completed with the required information of the credit cards and will not be charged an additional charge for the use of the same ones. For security reasons, in certain cases, it will be necessary to respond to a simple questionnaire with confidential information of the owner of the card.
At Dinamic we make sure your card number will be protected under the industry-leading encryption standards. We guarantee a secure shopping experience on our website, through the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate from RapidSSL.
Maximum security, absolute privacy. No one will see your credit card details. We meet the most demanding safety standards.
In order to use this method of payment, you can pay directly from the gateway or use your account. Once you have linked your credit cards to your MercadoPago account, you can make payments simply by logging in with your email and password, and choosing the card you want to use to complete the payment. For more information
When you finish your purchase, if you have selected the method of payment of deposit or bank transfer you will have a (01) business day to make the payment or otherwise your order will be automatically canceled by the system.